Reference Material
Power School - Growth Data
Moderate Projections
Power School - Growth Data
Conservative Projections
Board meeting on 8/11/22:
At 2:47:20
Rogelio: “How was the residential development report used as part of the decision making process?”
LPA: “We only used the demographic projections.”
[LPA had said in a previous board meeting that demographic projections are base on CBEDS (California Basic Educational Data System), which is the district’s self reported demographic enrollment data based on historical data from previous years but does not include growth projections.]
Rogelio: “But how was it used?”
LPA: “Taking those projected enrollment numbers by school site and then applying your loading standards to determine the number of classrooms to place at each school site.”
Rogelio: “So was it used to determine what the need was or what to fix or was it just used for the capacity?”
“Yeah, just for the capacity”